Here, we are going to explain Microsoft excel formulas list with examples. We have provided a list of excel formulas and functions based on the text. Microsoft excel provided a various function like string function, mathematical function, statistical function, logical function, information function, date and time function, financial function, look up function and database function. Here are some simple excel formulas based on text function.
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Top 15 Microsoft excel formulas list with examples on String
In this basic Microsoft excel formulas list with examples focuses on text function. Microsoft excel has many formulas list to offer when we try to manipulate text.
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There are mainly two types: Worksheet formula and VBA function. In this Microsoft excel training, we explain text function, Microsoft excel formulas list with examples on Worksheet.
If you are looking for excel statistical formula then check excel statistical function for data analysis.
15 Basic Microsoft excel formulas list with examples.
- Char
- Clean
- Code
- Concatenate
- Exact
- Find
- Left
- Len
- Lower
- Proper
- Replace
- Right
- Trim
- Upper
- Vlookup Examples
Let start all Microsoft excel formulas list with examples.
Char is a function used to find character based on ASCII value. The input to char function is ASCII value. It converts ASCII value into character.
Microsoft excel formulas list with examples – Char (70) = F
Compatible with: Char function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac
In this example Char function find F based on 70 and P on 80.
Clean is a function used to remove non-printable character from the cell.
Syntax for clean is – clean (text)
Compatible to: Clean function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac
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Microsoft excel formula Code is used to find ASCII value based on the text. If cell contains more than one character then code consider the only first character and return ASCII value of the first character.
Syntax for CODE is – code (text)
Example: Code (F) =70
Compatible to: Code function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac.
In this example ASCII value of T is 84.In first row contain string Technicgang but Code calculate ASCII value of T only.
To join two or more string use Microsoft excel formula Concatenate.
Syntax for Concatenate is: Concatenate (text 1, text 2, text 3 ……..text n)
Compatible to: concatenate function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac.
concatenate two strings in excel
Here we concatenate Technic, gang and .com to form
Exact is a Microsoft excel formulas used to compare two string. Exact function compare and return true if give two string are exact equal.
Syntax for EXACT function is: Exact (text1, text2)
Compatible to: Exact function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac.
Exact is case sensitive function.
Example of excel formulas with examples exact with picture
Here we check A1 and A2 due to case sensitiveness result is FALSE
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Find is a Microsoft excel formulas calculate location of sub string.
Syntax for FIND is: FIND (sub string, string, Start position)
Sub string: What to find?
String: Where to find?
Start position: Where search start?
Compatible to: Find function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac.
Find is a case sensitive function.
Here we calculate location of gang in
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Left is a Microsoft excel formulas use to extract substring from string. Left function extract substring starting from left to right.
Syntax for Left is: Left (String, number of character)
This function is also used in Microsoft excel VBA formulas.
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Here we find first 3 characters.
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Len is a excel worksheet function use to calculate length of string.
Syntax for Len is: Len (String)
Compatible to: Len function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac.
This function is also used in Microsoft excel VBA formulas.
As name suggest, Lower is a excel function convert given string in lower case. In case text contain not a letter then Lower is not affected on it.
Syntax for Lower is: Lower (String)
Compatible to: Lower function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac.
Proper is a excel function convert given string in proper format. In this case all string start with capital latter.
Syntax for Proper is: Proper (String)
Compatible to: Proper function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac.
Right is a Microsoft excel formulas extract substring from string. Right function extract text starting from right to left.
Syntax for Right is: Right (String, number of character)
Right function is also used in Microsoft excel VBA formulas. It is just opposite to Left function.
how to calculate last 3 characters using excel?
Replace is a simple formula in Microsoft excel, It is used to replace text with another text. Syntax for Replace in worksheet is different from replace in VBA.
Replace (Old string, start, Number of char, new string)
Here Old string is string or text we want to be replace.
Start indicate position of old text
Number of char indicate number of character to be replace.
New string is a new set of characters.
Here we replace tech with technic.
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REPT is a formula used in Microsoft excel to repeat a text value. Microsoft excel formulas list contain REPT to extend text by repeating set of text value.
Syntax for REPT is: REPT (text, number)
Here number indicate number of time text should be repeat.
Compatible to: REPT function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac.
Used in Microsoft worksheet formula only .
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Trim is a text formatting formula. Microsoft excel formulas list contain some formula related to SQL formula, trim is one of them. Trim is used to remove leading and trading space.
Syntax for trim is: trim (text)
Trim is also used in Microsoft VBA.
Upper is exactly opposite to lower function. Upper is a excel function convert given string in upper case. In case text contain not a letter then upper is not affected on it.
Syntax for upper is: Upper (String)
Compatible to: Upper function is Compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013 and Excel 2011 Mac.
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In first part of Microsoft excel formulas list with examples we focus on Text function.In next post we will go through numerical formulas and all Excel Formula List.
Very useful . waiting for next post.
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