19 Google Search Tricks And Tips To Hack

Everybody knows Google, but very few people knows its secrets, the Google search tricks and tips make your search faster. Google is kind of a big deal, you use it every day, but might not know every tricks and tips.

Here we produce 19 different Google search tricks and tips, consider this is your user manual to read number one search engine. In this post we consider all old Google tips as well as just recently released tricks. Here you get all kinds of Google search tricks and tips that make you data miner in Google.

Awesome Google Hacks

19 Best Google search tricks: Make you data miner in Google

The Google search engine is not only search engine, but one of the biggest database in the world. Google not only provide useful information but also it act as very dangerous weapon to perform Reconnaissance phase of a cyber-attacks. Here we shows some tips for effective search with Google.

Check : How Cyber Attackers Perform Cyber Attacks.

Google Tricks and Tips tutorial for Search engine optimization.

The following command can be used effectively in Google search engine to produce important result for SEO.

Basic Top 13 Google search tricks and tips.

  1. Google search based on Site:

If you include [site: website name] in each Google query then Google will restrict the result to specified website. For example, PCB site:www.technicgang.com will find all pages related to PCB search within www.technicgang.com. Note that there is no space between site: and domain name. This google search tricks is used to find out number of pages available related to keyword in specific domain. It is used to identify structure, tags and internal links of domain.


Google Search tricks to get PCB design article from technicgang
  1. Google groups:

http://groups.google.com this google search tricks used to find out groups and their conversation. Once you open http://groups.google.com and enter keyword then google will show you all groups matching keyword. This Google search techniques used to create Back-links from Google.

google search tricks and secrets
  1. Google search hack using File Type:

This google search tips is used to find a particular type of file. For example if you want best free PCB design software pdf then type how to create website filetype:pdf. This command very useful to search pdf, power point, word and excel document.

google search tricks pdf hack
  1. Google search tricks using Link:

The query [link] will list the web pages that have back-links to specified web pages. For example [link:www.xyz.com ] this query listed web pages that have links pointing to homepage. Care should be take that there is no space between “Link:” and web site address. This tricks also available in Google advanced search page.


  1. Restrict the result using Inurl:

If you are put [inurl] in your query, Google will restrict the display result. Google will shows document that containing that word in their url. For example if we search, [inurl:technic] it will return pages that contain the word “technic” in their url.

Let’s take example of Google Search Tricks inurl

google search tricks inurl

If you search [inurl:Make my computer faster] then query will display all pages contain “make” word in their url and word “my computer faster” anywhere in the document or url.

So, Google search tricks inurl is simple but most effective searching tricks to optimized result.

  1. Cache:

If you put other word in the query, Google will highlight those word within the cached. For example if you search, [cache: www.google.com web]. It will show the cache contain with the word “web” highlighted.

  1. Google search tricks and tips using related:

The related query use to find out webpages related to specified webpages. For example [related:xyz] will displayed all web site similar to xyz.

  1. Google search tricks to get web information (info):

Info will present some information that Google has about that webpages. For example [info: www.technicgang.com] will show information about the technic gang home page.

  1. Define:

The query [define] will provide a definition of word. For example define:Hack will gathered information from online source and display the definition of hack word. You can apply this Google search tricks on phrase also.

  1. Stocks:

If you begin a query with the [stocks] operator, Google search engine will treat the query term as stock ticker. It will show stock information for stock ticker. Example [stock: intc yhoo], this query displayed information about Intel and yahoo.

Google search tricks and techniques to find stock
  1. Get all word in title (allintitle):

If you search query with [allintitle:], Google will restrict the result and display those web pages those with all of the query word in the title. For example [allintitle:20 Myth job oriented computer courses after graduations], this query will shows all result having job oriented computer courses after graduations in their title.

  1. Get first word in title (Intitle):

This query is similar to Allintitle query. For example if we search [intitle: Google search], it will shows all document having Google in their title and search word in anywhere in document. Putting Intitle query in every word, it act as allintitle.

Means [Allintitle:Google search] = [intitle:google Intitle:search]


  1. Google search tricks to search all word in url (Allinurl):

Allinurl will shows all document having search phrase in url. For example [allinurl: 9 free android emulator for PC], will shows all documents having “9 free android emulator for PC” in their url.It is related to google search tricks inurl.It is one of the effective search techniques in google.

Google search trick to get allinurl
  1. Find currency rate:

Just type Currency and check today currency value. After getting result you can convert currencies from one to another. Calculate currency exchange rate using currency. It is google Magic tricks to convert currencies from one to another.

  1. Search Location

Just type a zip code at the end of any search like McDonald 400001 and you will get results showing the nearest Mcdonald, along with open timing, closed time, map, phone numbers, and even reviews. But, If you don’t insert zip code, then Google may suggest places near to you. This is cool google search tricks to find location of bank or restaurant.


Location Search Using Google
  1. Search by images

How to Search Image? Google can’t only search for text but also for images/Photos. You can now use your friend’s pic to search more of his/her photos. It’s a simple trick. The simple trick is to click on Camera button, and upload a picture from your computer or paste image url to make an image search.

Click here to view camera


  1. Filter Images advanced google tricks

Image filter is an advanced feature provide by Google Use Advanced Image Search to get an perfect size, type, color, Time, use right of photo. Using search tool in Google images, you can filter your image search to clip art and high-res images.


  1. Search by voice

You can search contain by using voice. Here Google search tricks voice that allow you to search by voice. To search the website by speaking, you can click on the microphone button on the search box on Google’s home page. It is applicable for chrome browser, android and iOS system.

  1. Check spelling

Don’t worry while typing! Google can check spelling for you. Google’s spell checker automatically suggest most familiar spelling of a given word, if you are not sure how to write any word, then simply type it, Google will suggest you common spelling for you.It is basic google search tricks, try it out.



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