Find Out How You Can Optimize Your PC for Gaming

It has become easy to buy a self-assembled personal computer according to your purpose and requirement. You have a wide variety of choices to select from. Although this technology is growing rapidly, the counterpart is that gaming hardware gets outdated very soon. When it comes to gaming, even a higher specification PC can become antique in no time.  Changing PC after every span is not a good option at all. It is better to optimize your PC for gaming.

Read : Laptop Buying Guide to Select Best Laptop for Gaming.

Laptop Buying Guide

Below are some tips and tricks to optimize your PC for gaming.  It is evident that we cannot reach the levels of the gaming experience on higher end PC’s we can match them by making some changes in the hardware and software.


Optimize Your PC for Gaming

Optimize Your PC for Gaming


  • Regular Maintenance:

Yes, this sounds very trivial, but a lot of people neglect to maintain their PC and end up with little performance. Keep in mind that whether it is an electronic or mechanical device, it needs maintenance. Below are important maintenance steps one must regularly follow to Optimize your PC for Gaming windows 7.

Once you optimize your PC for Gaming, you can easily play android games on windows PC.

  1. Hard Drive Space:

We always tend to fill our hard drive to its maximum storage capacity. The fact is you do not need so much of data at the same time, so it is better to get rid of it. Having a healthy amount of space in your hard disk allows your computer to run faster and smoother.

2. Update your GPU drivers:

Very often people stress on CPU but not on GPU. Your graphics card is an essential part of your gaming system. Graphics card companies like Nvidia and AMD regularly update their drivers not only to give you smoother and better experience but to maintain their position in the market as well.  Apart from this, these updates ensure you can play newly launched games on the same hardware. It is critical to keep an eye on driver page of the GPU you are using.

3. Uninstall unnecessary applications:

The more you install applications, the more your PC will get slower. From time to time get away from the applications you barely use.


  • Hard Drive Defragmentation:

Optimize your PC using Hardware Tricks


Even though you have systematically stored data on your PC with proper folders, it does not mean that your data is distributed sequentially across the disk inside your drive. Things can get messy when your hard drive gets disorganized.  If you install a larger application, fragmented data will be spread across the physical disks leading the application to run slow. De-fragmentation improves internal organization of your hard drive and shows noticeable speed boosts. To defragment your hard drive type ‘defrag’ in the windows search bar and the open Optimize Drives app. Note that if you have a Solid State Drive, please do not defragment it as it would decrease its life expectancy.


  • Get the latest patch for your game:

The software industry is always updating very fast. It applies to games as well. Games are never finished after they are launched. Development teams work relentlessly to fix bugs and improve performance.  Keep an eye on the patches available for games, because the patches come with security bug fixes and help you to improve the gaming experience. Depending on your machine and game settings gaming experience gets enhanced to a great extent.

Check : Best online games for Boys.

  • Equip yourself with right accessories:

Optimize PC by Using right accessories


To have a proper gaming experience you need to be assured that you have dedicated accessories for gaming. First of all, a decent gaming keyboard will have advanced controls and also the gaming mice will give you better handling coupled with smooth access and monitoring and gaming headsets will give you enhanced sound effects. Dedicated hardware for gaming will help you to take gaming to the next level.


  • Eliminate Unnecessary Applications In The Background:

If many applications are running in the background of your PC, your computer cannot have a dedicated focus towards the game itself. With an app like Game Booster, you can eliminate background process that you do not require while gaming. The Game Booster has the function to allow you manually or automatically do this when you launch a game and helps to increase performance significantly. There are standard ways also to do this with the help of MSConfig, but prefer this only when you have deep knowledge about all applications. If you can eliminate unnecessary applications, then you are going in right direction to Optimize your PC for Gaming.


The Last Resort

  • If everything fails, Upgrade your hardware:

Optimize your PC for gaming after Upgrade your hardware


Though there are software solutions for every problem, this software relies on hardware. You need to upgrade your hardware for a proper gaming experience eventually. Nowadays games mention the RAM requirements right away.  As the quality of games is increasing RAM requirement is also increasing. RAM is very easy and cheap to upgrade.  You can quickly acquire 16GB of RAM for 180-200$. Also, note that RAM alone cannot make your gaming performance excellent. If your GPU is old, consider upgrading it.

Upgrading your GPU will show you a comparatively significant rise in performance than Integrated Graphics or low power GPU.  Note that buying GPU is very confusing.  Do some thorough review and then select one. While upgrading your GPU consider your CPU and power supply because you might take the risk of bottlenecking of a high-performance GPU. Mismatch in power supply specification can decrease life expectancy as well.


Finally, These steps will certainly help you to improve your gaming experience in the same old PC itself. It’ll also help you to make your computer faster. You might have noticed that the majority is of software approach to improving the performance. These steps are very simple to follow but give you very pleasing performance. If a majority of these tricks do not work, better consider buying a new laptop or PC with proper hardware specifications.


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