Crowd Source Testing | Change in Traditional way of Software Testing

What you will do when you have hundreds of people in a room and if you are asked to distribute the gifts to all of them. Yes, you do a crowdsource, either you ask them to pass on the gift to the next person or else ask them to collect from you. This is exactly what Crowdsource Testing does. It is a boon for the testing team in the computer world.

There are companies which provide a platform for the software developers to test their software completely free from their registered testers and the testers will be paid accordingly by the companies. It differs from the traditional way of testing; in this, the software is put open for the pool of the tester’s world-wide.

Crowdsource Testing Reviews

Even bigger companies understand the importance of crowd source testing to facilitate their product into the market.  One such example is of Microsoft Office productivity suite 2016. When they release it in the market, about 9 million people has downloaded the beta version to test the software and gave their feedback.  Only through Crowdsourcing, Microsoft was able to collect about 2 million valuable comments and feedbacks from the testers globally.

It is always exciting to develop and release a new product in the market. But before that, the gruesome work of software testing is a large number which is carried out by the testing team. When the programmer is in a rush of submitting their software, one thing that worries the programmer most is the ‘bugs’.  Any bugs found in their final product bring their hard work to an end, and it would be a nightmare for them to begin their jobs again. To avoid this tedious and time-consuming job, crowdsourcing comes as a helping hand especially when you are running out of time.  And the testers are paid per bug usually, depending upon the type of bug and its market price.

Advantages of crowdsource testing

  • Crowdsourced testing works like multiple filters, minimizing the error rate, as the testing is done by different people and multiple devices despite their geographical locations.
  • It is cost-effective and less time-consuming.
  • As there is large number of testers testing the software, testing will be done quicklyCrowdSourceand the end results will be accurate, making the chances of error nearly negligible.
  • The freelance testers are available whenever the company requires them at a very short notice period.

Value of CrowdSource testing

The crowd source testing is most valuable when you are working for a product that designed for a particular group of people or country, and you are having a traditional method of testing them.  This is when you crowdsource your particular item to that location, and you get access to wide range of testing tools and testers.  Crowdsourcing team can always assist the in-house Q/A team and apparently lessening their work load, especially if the testing is a manual testing.

The future of crowdsourcing testing is promising but some boundaries are deterrent to its usage completely.


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